Our mission is to utilize technology to make healthcare simple and easily accessible to all patients. To achieve this, our cutting-edge platform & mobile app is in development. With the two together, anyone will have the tools to conduct and record all they'll need for primary or specialty care, with ease; namely, to find a doctor, schedule an appointment and conduct it virtually, as well as view the results all in one place. The platform will also help you with:

Finding a doctor

With our software, you will be able to see a list of doctors in your area to find the one that's accessible and right for you. Our system aggregates necessary data to show you comprehensive reviews for each practice, to make sure you're confident in your choice of practitioner. Not only will you be able to find a doctor, but you will also be able to immediately schedule and modify an appointment with their office through our app. No more calling the front desk and having to set up reminders; we are here to do it for you.


Following the COVID-19 healthcare upheaval, we understand the importance of having the ability to hold meetings and doctor appointments remotely, especially if there is no need for physical examination. Therefore, we've made it possible for all your doctor's appointments to be held virtually through our system. With a secure connection and video support, you can now set up your doctor's appointment from your home in a matter of a couple of clicks.

Value based remote care services

Value-based care has emerged in recent years as an important approach to delivering healthcare, that aligns with the best interests of both you, the patient, and your medical providers. It helps drive improved health outcomes while lowering the costs of healthcare delivery and supporting the provider’s financial bottom line.

In other words, achieving the triple aim of:

  • Improving the outcomes of your health conditions
  • Improving and streamlining your healthcare experience
  • Lowering the total cost of care

Increasingly recognized as a more effective alternative to the fee-for-service care model, value-based care is creating a win-win for everyone in the healthcare system through programs, such as Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and Chronic Care Management (CCM).

Remote Patient Monitoring programs primarily focus on collecting and analyzing physiological data in near real-time to help care teams remotely track and manage a care plan for a patient’s chronic or acute condition. The program uses remote health devices such as a blood pressure cuff or glucometer to manage difficult conditions, and keeps a team of care professionals watching your readings daily. Chronic Care Management (CCM) typically includes virtual care services offered to Medicare beneficiaries with two or more chronic conditions that are anticipated to last for at least one year or until the end of life. This includes check-up calls from a care professional managing your care.

CCM and RPM together consolidate care delivery, leading to a number of positive patient outcomes, including:

  • Improved patient outcomes through timely detection and medical intervention
  • Optimization of patient experience, including better engagement, motivation, and satisfaction
  • Lower healthcare costs with fewer ER visits and hospitalizations/li>
  • Reduction in the overall stress on the healthcare system
  • Greater awareness, education, and compliance among patients and their caregivers

All your healthcare information in one place

Finally, we want to make sure that all of your doctor's appointments, medication reminders, lab reports, and vital measurements are all accessible to you at all times in one place. Sometimes, gathering your complete medical record takes up too much time, and when disorganized, crucial information can be lost. Our platform lets you access all of your medical data at once, and instantly forward it to your doctors if needed.